Data protection

This site uses cookies for analytics and content (notification bars and language selection). Information is also collected from a contact form.

Registry holder
TEIJO Cleaning Machines Ltd.
Harjuntie 8
Tel: 02 531 2200

Collected data
From contact form
name, company name, email, phone number, message

From analytics
site address, site name, language of device/browser, user cookie, visiting cookie, site character encoding, ip-address

Other cookies
Site language selection, content functions.

Data handling
Only site administrators have access to collected data. This requires a user name and a strong password.

Data use
Data is used to improve site content and business relations.

Data is protected behind user names and passwords in a protected server environment.

Data retention
Data is retained as long as business relations so require.

You have the right to: request all information pertaining to yourself, request corrections on your data and request deletion of your data.

Data sharing
Data is not shared to any 3rd parties.

Right to update/change this information
We reserve the right to update and/or change this information as technologies and services improve.